Shelli Thompson's blog is dedicated to assisting others find their way to a healthy life style.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Weather System that Surrounds You.
How do you feel most days? Like a "Storms-a-Brewing"?? maybe a "Little Edgy"?
You do know you are making a choice to allow the storm system to move in.
When it moved in you did the same thing you do every time, you run for cover.
Do something different in the midst of the heaviest rains and most powerful winds.
I want to challenge you to do this tomorrow morning. Before you even open your eyes or lift your head off of the pillow. Say to yourself, "this is going to be a day to remember. I will enjoy this day, this day will be sunny with blue sky.
It is a Choice For You to Make. And you will believe it and so you will feel better about your day and it will naturally go much better.
See if it works for you, I am going to go for it.
To find out more aobut us, go to:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Was Your Lunch Nutritious Today?
What did your Lunch look like today?
Maybe you found your self short of time and you had to grab something really quick. There wasn't anything around but.........McDonald's so you pulled in. Just this once.
Just a little hamburger wouldn't hurt anything. Just this once. Until the next time it happens.
Just know that hamburger and french fries are about the total calories that should be consumed in an entire day and there is probably more fat than a person needs in a day there as well. Then add the calories from the sugary drink. As if this were the only thing to think about these days with what we know about hormones and other agents in our foods. Don't you want more control over what you put into your body? CUT OUT THE FAST FOOD. PERIOD.
This is what my lunch consisted of today. Believe it or not, I am perfectly satisfied and I have room in my stomach to digest it properly with no discomfort. I started off with a fist size salad with sliced turkey, fat free won tons and Kens lite Northern Italian dressing (6 grams of fat per 2 tbs, I use only one). 3/4 of an apple and 3/4 of a cup of low fat cottage cheese (which has 14 grams of protein per 1/2 cup). The baby greens create a satisfied feeling, the protein provided in the cottage cheese and turkey give the meal longevity. The apple keeps the doctor away but not only that is is delicious and gets and entire serving of fruits out of the way for the day and cleans your teeth.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Improve your Immunities during Flu Season
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Sugary Drinks and Taxes
A Mom was unloading her groceries and she was talking about the impending tax on pop and she was very upset that the economy is so horrible how is the average family supposed to fee their family when they impose taxes like these.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Why I do what I do
Being over weight can be costly, not only do you need to maintain that extra weight with food, but also in medical care and disease.
Being over weight costs the United States over 90 BILLION per year.
The state of New York has an "obestiy bill" of 3.5 BILLION alone, what is your states "obesity bill"?
The amount of the "obesity bill" varies from state to state, the amount is taken from taxes and Insurance. So are you wondering about your medical insurance premiums? Mine just went up $3.00 and now I am at more that $350.00 per month, and I am one of the healthy ones.
You pay the same for a seat on an airplane as someone that is Obese. The only problem is that the obese person sitting next to you has "spilled" into your seat, minimizing your own space and now your arm rest has disappeared. You get no discount for that loss of space and the obese person doesn't need to pay any more for their seat because that would be discrimination against them. What about the discrimination against the fit person loosing space to the obese?
I spent 25 years being educated, trained & certified. I paid for that in blood, sweat, tears and cold hard cash.
Yet, I am willing to give away any and all of the information that I have paid for because I am motivated to help people improve their fitness levels.
Everyone pays for obesity in many different ways. The child that has a parent that is obese and has medical issues is not going to have the same lifestyle as a child that has fit parents.
We pay in medical costs, insurance premiums and taxes.
We all set an example, as a parent that is obese what is the message you are sending to your child?
for more information about health and how to get healthy visit the rest of my blog at:
To find out more about us and what we are doing visit
In my next blog, we will get back to some weight training tips.
Until Next time,
Take Really good Care of yourself
Only you can decide to stop the cylce.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Working towards Longevity
So what is the secret to longevity? It's a given that we must take care of our self if we want to live a full and productive life into our later years.
So what does that mean? Diet for one is very important. I refer to this as sensible eating rather than diet. The word diet implies to many that you will eat a certain way for a while to attain your goals and then, return to "normal" when a goal has been achieved. I like to call this the "yo-yo lifestyle".
Once you return to what is normal then you will return back to what you were. If you eat sensibly throughout your entire life (yes diet is a lifestyle) you can add years to your longevity.
In the media we see that the new 60 is 40. That means that a 60 year old person is what a 40 year old person used to be. People have gotten educated about taking care of their bodies.
There is a new study out by BWH in Boston suggests that physical activity is associated with "extended lifespan". Physical activity enhances life expectancy.
Study groups were formed and followed for a period of time and it was found that regular exercise was associated with a lower death rate before the age of 90. The study found that regular exercisers were more likely to achieve "exceptional longevity".
A healthy eating plan will keep you lean and younger looking but that is not enough to extend your longevity. A combination of sensible eating and exercise is the best combination.
In study groups it was found that dieters that added physical activity lost twice as much weight as those that did not add physical activity.
Resistance exercising, increasing lean muscle mass and strength is the best way to stay lean because the more lean muscle you have the more fat you will burn at a constant rate.
Lean body mass will ignite your metabolism so that long after your work out you will still be burning fat and calories.
Working out regularly is necessary to put you in a constant fat burning mode. You will look toned and lean, you will look SEXIER! YOU WILL LOOK AND FEEL YOUNGER. However, you will have to stick with it. Physical activity is for life. You are the magician, if you stop exercising all of the benefits will disappear. If you keep with it, the magic will happen for you. FIT HAPPENS.
Next time we will get back into weights and we will get going on putting together your home gym on a budget.
Until next time,
Take Really Good Care of Your Self
visit the rest of my blog at:
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Portion size is directly related to your size.

I sat down and looked at the breakfast menu. I'm really a "lunch Lover" but I do understand the importance of breakfast. It starts your day off with energy and prepares you to face the day ahead.
So I decide on an omelet. I didn't notice anyone else being served an omelet or I would have had second thoughts. So we sip on some coffee, breakfast comes and they sit this omelet in front of me that fills a 12 in plate, see for your self. Don't get me wrong, the omelet was not bad tasting, in fact in was delicious, the 1/3 of the omelet I ate was delicious.
As I looked at the 2/3 that was being wasted because I couldn't eat it (it came with potatoes, on a separate plate) and wondered if it would be enough breakfast for just one other person or if it would actually stretch to another person too. How many people are hungry or kids go to school with nothing in their stomach?
So we decided to put it to the test. The next time we ordered the omelet knowing how big it was and split the thing, there was still some left over, maybe only enough for a child but still if you were a family of 3 this omelet would feed the entire family. We were told that some people come in and eat the entire thing them self.
You can imagine that this got me to thinking again about the biggest problem we have in the United States and that is obesity. WE ARE EATING OUR SELF SICK. The biggest medical costs come from diseases that could be avoided, like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and complications from these illnesses. Guess what? The illnesses I just mentioned are mostly diet related. WE ARE DOING IT TO OUR SELF, with all of the fast food, large portions, packaged and prepared foods that are loaded with things we can't pronounce.
Write down one of those words that are in the ingredients that you can't pronounce and Google it to see what it is. Then don't just "know" what it is, do something about it and cut-it-out of your diet.
There are some things that you can do to help your self out
1. Always ask for a smaller portion or order from the light eaters menu.
2. Only eat 1/2 of a restaurant serving.
3. Go a little further and ask for a "to go" container and put 1/2 of your meal away at the gate.
4. Make eating out a "treat". Home cooking allows much more control of what is consumed
5. Don't go out to eat when "starving". Make sure and have a healthy snack to curb appetite a bit.
6. Don't eat until you are full. Save 30% of your stomach for digestion.
To find out more read my article: Sick and Eating.
visit us at:
http://www.shellithompson@blogspot.comAnd until next time,
Take Really Good Care of Your Self.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Getting to the Heart of the matter
There are hundreds of studies that come out each year. Studies that we need to examine a little closer. Everyone is different so each individual has to assess the studies and see if it resonates with what they know about their own body.
We have all known for years that cardio. exercises are effective ways to keep our pulminary systems in shape.
The latest study suggests that resistance work is the best way to burn fat and calories. To someone that really wants to loose weight and burn calories might decide to forgo the cardio. work out and turn just to resistance work.
what worries me is the way these studies get interpreted by different individuals.
The reason that this is troubling to myself is because without a stong heart muscle it doesn't really matter how much fat and calories you are burning.
Your heart is the center or YOUR universe wether you like it or not.
Your heart and lungs work together and form your pulminary system. Your lungs collect the oxygen and the heart distributes that oxygen to the MUSCLES, without the oxygen the muscles don't function and neither do your other organs.
So if your heart is weak and has to work harder to keep up the muscles demand for oxygen, the diagnosis is called hypertension or high blood pressure.
The "simple" solution is diet and exercise. Being aware before the onset is the best rule of thumb. In order for that to happen we need to get educated.
So keep doing the cardio. work but add weights 3 to 4 times a week.
Keep in mind while practicing resistance training to only train every other day. Giving your muscles a day of rebuilding and recovery.
The most important thing is to have fun. Sometimes that's hard to do so stay tuned we are going to have some fun with weights next time.
Until next time,
Really take care of yourself,
find out more about us @
Monday, September 7, 2009
Making resistance training fun
I hear from many people that they don't enjoy weight training. I think that exercise is a personal choice and what you do with your choices is up to you right?
So if we could find a way to make this thing more fun maybe you could find time to fit it into your schedule.
There are still others that really don't like it but they really do like the way that they feel afterwards. At least these individuals have a place to operate from that they will be rewarded physically.
If you are one of the ones that don't like it and aren't noticing any difference in the the way you feel after then maybe you need a reward that you can give your self.
Maybe your reward will be some type of treat but make it good so it isn't easy to pass up. This will be your reward for doing your exercises.
There are different things that you can do with the music, the beat and the count so stay tuned and we will talk more about this in the coming week. You can review my last blog
Each and every one is different is some way. All of those differences need to be addressed so that we can all be optimum condition and live our life to the fullest. That is what we believe and the way we live our life.
Remember all of us are different, so treat your self differently.
Until next time,
Really take care of your self.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The Importance of Resistance Training
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Have you noticed the lines at Costco?
I'm not talking about the lines of people checking out, those move pretty fast don't you think?
I'm talking about the lines at the Costco fast food joint. Wow I can't believe it every time I am there the line is HUGE! And people just stand there and wait patiently and the line BARELY MOVES!!
So I noticed the line today, like every other time I am there at Costco. School is out right now so there was quite a variety of people standing there.
I looked at the menu (As I had never looked before or even been tempted to belly up and get something). Let's see. Hot dogs (the real fat sausagy kind), pizza, bread sticks, Iced Latte, Pop. Actually I did not see one thing on that menu that any one of those people needed to be eating.
Talk about Health Care!! Every single person save just a few could stand to loose any where from 30 to 150 pounds. The people are sitting at the little tables just pigging out on this greasy, disgusting, non healthy SLOP!!
I am sure that on any one of those plates there was enough fat content to last a person a week and days quota of calories.
If people would just learn to take care of them self, cut down on fat, lower their daily calorie count and get some exercise then this country wouldn't be in such rotten shape!
Now the Economy is in the toilet (keeping it clean here) and Mc Donalds is reporting huge profits. Families have less money but they still want to eat out and fast food is affordable.
Right on that food establishments such as these are being forced to list the contents of their food. Healthier choices have already cropped up Mc Donalds and it's competitors menus.
What I saw today needs to be brought to the surface. For crying out loud, there was enough samples inside that I wasn't even thinking that I needed to get something to eat or I wasn't going to make it home. =)
Just think before you get into that line next time, think about you and your body.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Everybody is different
We are all members of the species of Human being but there is a rainbow of different colors and more shapes than can be imagined.
That isn't all that is wondrous, there is more.......We all have the same organs (give or take) that do the work that the cells command but every body has a different way of going about it's business.
Something that works for one person will not work in the same way for another person or maybe it will..................I'm sure you can see what a job our physicians have and why they have such "job security". All of this is one of the main reasons that more and more people are turning to a more holistic approach to their own personal care.
A more natural approach to medicine recognizes that every person will have a different reaction to the same treatment. Figuring out illness can be very difficult and out of every thing that I have heard it has never been said to me that it is necessary to be sick. Our bodies are made to fight off many things and most of us have quite a remarkable ability to ward off illness. There are millions of viruses and bacterias of every kind surrounding us each day and yet we suffer relatively small amounts of illness compared to what we are exposed to. Our personal ability to avoid illness is extremely flexible in scope.
Another attribute of a more natural approach to medicine is that we naturally have strong emotional resistance to illness. I have know people who believe that life was meant for living and have decided not to let their bodies "deteriorate" by keeping up good eating and exercise habits and it does seem to help quite a bit.
We recently moved our mother to a senior living community and I have met some of the nicest, wisest people. Selma is 94 years old and does Thai Chi I don't know how many times a week. David was a trucker all of his life, his legs don't work as good as they used to but he can walk short distances, he is 96 and his drivers licence is good for another 4 years. He assures me he is keeping an "eye" on himself and the moment he does "something stupid" he is turning it in.
These are the people that have youth in their heart and that is what has kept them in good shape through their senior years. They have positive emotional health and that is definitely a big part of the puzzle.
The first thing you need to know about your health is that you have a choice. You need to choose good health. You can only be as healthy as you think you can be. You need to shift your perception of what is acceptable and having a disease or getting old and infirm needs to be perceived as unacceptable.
To make our heath better we need a new kind of knowledge. Our concept of life needs to be deeper. I have found that in my learning about Ayurveda (vedic term meaning science of life).
It has really given me some insight and tips that have helped me live a better life. Many things I tried were related to my diet. I found it amazing to learn the healing powers that our food has and was very pleased with some things that I tried that really worked.
I have met Deepak Chopra and recommend his site at: for his healing wisdom and insight to the human body and the 5,000 year old medical practice of Ayurveda.
For more information about us visit us @
Welcome to Health Pulse
My Husband and I started publishing a magazine under this name and we thought a blog was in order.
So what is Health Pulse?
Health Pulse is a way to check to see how something is doing. Kind of like the Doctor taking your pulse to find out how healthy you are.
The only difference is that we are going to check the health pulse in many different areas.
Just to name a few.
I have a lifelong passion for fitness, health and nutrition and was in the fitness industry for 25 years. I just "retired" 2 years ago but it took me a year to really get gone. I have taught over 15 different formats with certifications and I also had a general aerobic certification. I have an interest in Ayurvedic medicine and how our environments, emotions, senses and the food we eat affects our health. My husband Gordon and I are into living a healthy, active life and we plan on doing everything we can to maintain that lifestyle. We want to help you to do that as well and we plan on sharing what we have learned with you.
My husband Gordon has been a business owner for over 30 years and he is very intrigued with finances and the business world and likes to keep up with that latest trends so he will have some interesting blogs from time to time. Gordon also enjoys sports and physical activity of all types so I am sure he will have some good information to share.
So keep posted and I hope that we can give you real value. Helpful hints and latest testing on different products and fitness. All the latest trends in health and reviews to help you make the right decision for you.
So here is to your Health Pulse!
For more information visit our site at: