Shelli Thompson's blog is dedicated to assisting others find their way to a healthy life style.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ode to Hedgy

A friend is never easy to loose

About 5 or so years ago my sister came to me just before Christmas and asked me for some help.  She had been to the school to read with the kids and they were reading a book about Hedge Hogs.  My sister did some research on the little creatures and thought it would be great to include one into the family. 

My nephew was in love with the book they were reading and he is a real animal lover.  My sister had found a "hog breeder" and there was a litter of little hedgy's ready but it was a week before Christmas and she didn't want the surprise ruined so she asked me if I would keep the baby hedge hog for the next week. 

Honestly I was wondering how a hedge hog would be as a pet, I was wondering how "loveable" it would be.  We all seem to be animal lovers and when she brought me my charge, I thought she was the cutest little hedge hog I had ever seen (the ONLY one I had ever seen) and she was so charming, we had a really fun week with her.

 Then Christmas day came and my newly adopted friend was given to my nephew.  I was sad to see her leave, but the look on his face was priceless when his Mom gave him Hedgy.  He looked up in his glee and asked if he could keep her, when he found out she was his, he was so excited.  I realized that the priceless look on his face when he saw her was the joy of seeing a hedge hog, he had no idea that she belonged to him, now that priceless look turned in to one of awe.

There were quite a few other kids that received hedge hogs that Christmas, the hogs were soon forgotten and within a year Hedgy was the only one that had survived.  They are easy creatures to care for but they need love and attention and Hedgy got plenty of that.

Her cage was the Taj Mahal, with everything a hedge hog would want.  We fashioned a "sleeping bag" for her out of fleece.  She was quite the celebrity at the school and would go to visit the kids that were reading about hedge hogs, everyone who knew Hedgy adored her.  She had a winning personality and she actually recognized people that she liked.

My sister left for a short trip last month and when she came back she noticed that Hedgy wasn't feeling very well and one eye was buldging.  She made a doctors appointment for little Hedgy.  The vet to all of our surprise was farmilliar with Hedge Hogs, checked her out and said she had an absess, gave her recommendations and some medicine.

We thought she was on the mend, but last night she went to sleep and she didn't wake up this morning.  She will be missed, she was the smallest member of our family and she got inside all of our hearts, where she will stay.

Ode to Hedgy:

All Hedge Hogs go to heaven,
who are good & sweet & kind,
All of us are so sad,
that you have left behind.

We knew that you had to go
and that you couldn't stay,
we also know you are happy now
being free to play.

Remembering your silly face
and your prickly hair, the way you
used your hands to eat and the
fact your ears were bare.

Sleep well my friend and always know
that you were truly loved,
and now we put you in the hands
of our father up above.

Our pets make life worth living.  They give us unconditional love, they don't talk back.  They make us happy and happy people are healthier people.  Things like this break our hearts, opening up to love something that we all know will not live as long as we do. Pets sometimes teach us how to love and they make our hearts bigger, that makes room for more love.  We would have been lesser people if we would not have let this little Hedge Hog "Hedgy" come into our hearts, now we have to let her go.

Goodbye for now Hedgy.
RIP 2/22/2010

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