Shelli Thompson's blog is dedicated to assisting others find their way to a healthy life style.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Mind, Body, Spirit Health is Essential in Life and Business
So many people ask me why I make instructional videos, write articles, have this blog, have a Health Pulse fan page on Face Book.
I have had a wonderful career in the fitness field. Many people have helped me along the way and I have truly been blessed.
I received the gift of the love for fitness. I love to learn about it and I love to share what I have learned.
What we all need to understand is that we all have gifts. Some of us don't realize it. You gift is usually what you are passionate about, what are you doing with your gifts? A gift isn't a gift until it is given and that is why I choose to share my gift with everyone.
We believe that Mind Body Spirit health is essential in all of the relationships that we will experience in our life time. You need a healthy body to be fully effective, a healthy positive mind sent in order to bring positive things into your life. Believing that there is something out there larger than us, that we can't see but we can have faith is there, that is your spiritual health.
Bringing all of this together will bring us closer to the lifestyle and the life that we are all looking for.
Make sure and visit us at
Gordon and Shelli thompson,
Health Pulse Magazine,
human body,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates
Cool things happening with Amazon and Blogger. Check it out.
Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates
Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Strange Yearly Ritual That Takes Place in Closets Everywhere
The sun is starting to emerge from behind the clouds and you know that soon it will be time to shed the sweater for lighter weight clothing for the summer.
You understand that you are white and things just won’t look that good on you but you really want to know what you have to wear when the weather gets warmer.
You head to the closed for a “seasonal fashion show”. You know the one that you do under lock and key, when nobody else is around. The dog isn’t even welcome to lay around and watch lazily as you wiggle into this or that.
You don’t expect much of a surprise with the white skin and all, what you don’t expect that is quite a surprise is the way your shorts fit around your middle.
Not only do they feel tight but what is that around the waist band? Looks like someone put you in a muffin tin and baked you at 350 for 15 minutes, talk about a muffin top.
Now is the time to decide to cut down on the late night snacks, time to make a pledge to avoid drive through windows at fast food joints, and time to make a decision to be better about making it to the gym.
That is all great and everything but that doesn’t help you right now to feel comfortable in your shorts. Really good thing this is just your “pre-season fashion show” because being in a pinch would be another name for it in just a couple short months.
You have a little time so what would be the best method to get rid of the “sweater body” for the summer and do it in short order?
It’s called a “jump start” and it’s called that for a reason. You need to make a jump (or leap) to get started. You need to make a commitment to working out and stay faithful to your commitment and you. You need to understand your body will not change if you only work out once a month. Start by making a list of things you want:
A Leg to Stand on
Buns of Steele
Tickets to the gun show
A Washboard
Sexy Back
Pirates dream
If I need to tell you what some of these things are then you need to get some humor in your life. Seriously now we have a starting point, all we need to do is to select our work out schedule and eat nutritiously and we should be able to get this group of lawyers back to “The Firm” in no time. (the pooch around the middle back where it belongs).
If this is one of your yearly rituals, I have some information for you so stay tuned.
Read more about core strength and read Health Pulse Magazine Click Here
Click here to find out more about us
You understand that you are white and things just won’t look that good on you but you really want to know what you have to wear when the weather gets warmer.
You head to the closed for a “seasonal fashion show”. You know the one that you do under lock and key, when nobody else is around. The dog isn’t even welcome to lay around and watch lazily as you wiggle into this or that.
You don’t expect much of a surprise with the white skin and all, what you don’t expect that is quite a surprise is the way your shorts fit around your middle.
Not only do they feel tight but what is that around the waist band? Looks like someone put you in a muffin tin and baked you at 350 for 15 minutes, talk about a muffin top.
Now is the time to decide to cut down on the late night snacks, time to make a pledge to avoid drive through windows at fast food joints, and time to make a decision to be better about making it to the gym.
That is all great and everything but that doesn’t help you right now to feel comfortable in your shorts. Really good thing this is just your “pre-season fashion show” because being in a pinch would be another name for it in just a couple short months.
You have a little time so what would be the best method to get rid of the “sweater body” for the summer and do it in short order?
It’s called a “jump start” and it’s called that for a reason. You need to make a jump (or leap) to get started. You need to make a commitment to working out and stay faithful to your commitment and you. You need to understand your body will not change if you only work out once a month. Start by making a list of things you want:
A Leg to Stand on
Buns of Steele
Tickets to the gun show
A Washboard
Sexy Back
Pirates dream
If I need to tell you what some of these things are then you need to get some humor in your life. Seriously now we have a starting point, all we need to do is to select our work out schedule and eat nutritiously and we should be able to get this group of lawyers back to “The Firm” in no time. (the pooch around the middle back where it belongs).
If this is one of your yearly rituals, I have some information for you so stay tuned.
Read more about core strength and read Health Pulse Magazine Click Here
Click here to find out more about us
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Core Strength is Essential For Good Health.
So now we get close to what is at the core of the matter.
Health Pulse Magazine is continuing their series on core strength.
Many important systems reside in your core. It is very important to keep your core strong and to be aware that as we get older it is harder to get things back that are lost.
The idea is to stay fit and not let things slip and so core strength is essential to staying fit, healthy and productive late into life.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Getting to the Core of Things, Getting Balanced
Balance is closely related to core strength. Health Pulse Magazine brings you core strength, in a series of magazine's, videos, pictures and articles.
When you start getting to the core of things you may find out that things aren't what they seem. Many times we think we are doing our self a favor by doing 200 crunches when in reality it isn't doing a darn thing to strengthen your core.
What you say? That's right and sometimes it not only doesn't help but it can really irritate a back injury.
The mistake that many people make is that they associate their core with their front side when in reality it is the entire center of your being so to speak. front back, up and down from hips to shoulders.
Just like any part of your body, when you work one portion you should also work the other. When you work bicepts then you know you better work your tricepts. Why is it then that so many people attempt to work on their front side but totally ignore their back side?
Many back issues related to muscular pain could be alleviated with some simple core strength moves both front and back.
Pilates is a great way to attain good core strength because it combines slow movement along with controlled breathing and concentration on the muscle groups being worked, it is quite effective in gaining core strength because of it's principles of maintaining stong core front and back.
Health Pulse Magazine is getting ready to do an entire series on core strength so make sure and stay tuned in. Until then make sure and read our Health Pulse Magazine publication on the Pilates Method
By Clicking Here
And to find out more about Gordon and Shelli Thompson go to their page by CLICKING HERE
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 3 of Balance
Day three of Balance
By this time if you have followed along you may be feeling a little more solid with your balance.
There are a few secrets to balancing (You're thinking, "GREAT, now she tells us".
Secret number one. Keep your core tight. meaning "hold in your belly"....
Secret number two. Keep your glutes tight. meaning, "squeeze your butt"....
Secret number three. Envision a pole running from the top of your head all the way to your feet, right through the center, that stableizes.
Secret number four. Ground your self. Feel the energy of the earth moving up through your legs, empowering your body. Spread out your toes and imagine your feet spreading out onto the floor giving you more of a platform to balance on.
Secret number five. Move slowly between moves, if you feel a "wobble" stop for a moment and stableize before you move on and make sure and breathe.
Here is your balance video for today. Happy Balancing
By this time if you have followed along you may be feeling a little more solid with your balance.
There are a few secrets to balancing (You're thinking, "GREAT, now she tells us".
Secret number one. Keep your core tight. meaning "hold in your belly"....
Secret number two. Keep your glutes tight. meaning, "squeeze your butt"....
Secret number three. Envision a pole running from the top of your head all the way to your feet, right through the center, that stableizes.
Secret number four. Ground your self. Feel the energy of the earth moving up through your legs, empowering your body. Spread out your toes and imagine your feet spreading out onto the floor giving you more of a platform to balance on.
Secret number five. Move slowly between moves, if you feel a "wobble" stop for a moment and stableize before you move on and make sure and breathe.
Here is your balance video for today. Happy Balancing
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 2 of Balance
Welcome to day two of Balance. Today's track will involve a bit of flexibility but if that is something you don't have a lot of, we can modify your pose, I will show you how. Today will find you holding your balance poses longer for a bit of a challenge for you.
Happy Balancing
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Balance for Life
Balance is way under rated. Here is our first video in our series of balancing this week. Each day you will find a different combination of balance moves for you to follow along and try. Some will be easier than others. Touch downs are legal but not worth any points and you can giggle all you want but I think that may be what causes the touch downs. Try following along this week and see how your balance is. I promise that with practice you will be able to increase your balance. I will have some little tips every day to help you realize better balance.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Amino Acids, How They Can Benefit You.
So What's the big deal about Amino Acids? They are an excellent way of getting the body you want. Not only that they can give you aditional energy during your work out, spare your muscles from being used as fuel and fight mental sluggishness.
You will realize faster improvements in muscle tone because BCAA's (branched chain amino acids) will encourage faster recovery times after weight lifting and heavy work outs.
Let's look a little closer.
There are about 20 to 22 amino acids in all and they are involved in various processes in the body. BCAA's refer to Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine collectively. These are three of the eight essential amino acids that can be found in the human body.
During Exercise all three of these amino acids get depleted and that is what makes you tired during your work our and ready to "bag it early". Where do you find the energy to keep going, because that is what you need. Because our bodies will not be denied it will seek other sources of fuel, namely the muscle because it is readily available. The only problem is that most people are trying to build muscle tissue, for a more toned and "buff" look.
So what's a person to do?
BCAA's that's what. having some about 30 minutes prior to work out and just after will go a long ways in keeping your body from devouring the muscle you are trying to build.
Unlike other amino acids that you ingest these three amino acids are directly metabolized in your muscle. This is great because it doesn't pass through the liver and is redily available as fuel for your work out.
These are some of the ways that BCAA's can help you.
If you are trying to build muscle tissue or just tone, they will help you get there quicker.
You will notice increased endurance
You will burn more fat and raise your metabolism
It will help to reduce cravings and stave off hunger
Noticable improvement in strength
BCAA's protect your muscle from being broken down and used as fuel during work out.
So now you want to know how much you should be taking.
This is the key. You should have three doses a day. One in the morning to get your body kick started and give it immediate fuel for the day about 3 to 5 grams as stated by experts. Then again about 30 minutes before a work out and then again within 30 minutes after. The thing to remember is that if you are working out regularly with weights and aerobic exercises it is not possible to over dose on BCAA's because they will be used in your body as fuel and to deliver the benefits listed above.
The great thing about BCAA's is that have come a long way and are now easier to ingest. No longer do you have to choke down "horse pills" and tons of water. Today you can even get it in gel and powder form
here are all eight Essential Amino Acids and what they do for you
Isoleucine: Hemoglobin formation, muscle recovery, sugar level regulation, blood clot formation
Leucine: Muscle recovery, regulation of blood sugar & hormones
Lysine: helps triglycerides, antiviral, hormone production, bone growth, collagen formation.
Methionine: assists in breaking down fats, antioxidant, aids production of creatine.
Phenylalanine: Aids in depression (along with B-6), suppress appetite, gives a feeling of fullness
Valine: Maintains nitrogen balance, muscle recovery
Tryptophan: aids serotonin production
Threonine: helps stabilize blood sugar, helps collagen production.
Although BCAA's are quite safe there are a few simple rules to follow if considering using them.
First of there is little known about BCAA's effect during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, best to avoid their use during that time. If you are facing surgery stop taking BCAA's 2 weeks prior to help with blood sugar regulation during that time. If you are a chronic alcohol user or dring alcohol, avoid mixing with BCAA's. If you are on medication for Diabetes check with your physician first also if you are taking Thyroid medication or being treated with corticosteroids for inflamation you should not take BCAA's.
If you would like more information about us Click Here
You will realize faster improvements in muscle tone because BCAA's (branched chain amino acids) will encourage faster recovery times after weight lifting and heavy work outs.
Let's look a little closer.
There are about 20 to 22 amino acids in all and they are involved in various processes in the body. BCAA's refer to Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine collectively. These are three of the eight essential amino acids that can be found in the human body.
During Exercise all three of these amino acids get depleted and that is what makes you tired during your work our and ready to "bag it early". Where do you find the energy to keep going, because that is what you need. Because our bodies will not be denied it will seek other sources of fuel, namely the muscle because it is readily available. The only problem is that most people are trying to build muscle tissue, for a more toned and "buff" look.
So what's a person to do?
BCAA's that's what. having some about 30 minutes prior to work out and just after will go a long ways in keeping your body from devouring the muscle you are trying to build.
Unlike other amino acids that you ingest these three amino acids are directly metabolized in your muscle. This is great because it doesn't pass through the liver and is redily available as fuel for your work out.
These are some of the ways that BCAA's can help you.
If you are trying to build muscle tissue or just tone, they will help you get there quicker.
You will notice increased endurance
You will burn more fat and raise your metabolism
It will help to reduce cravings and stave off hunger
Noticable improvement in strength
BCAA's protect your muscle from being broken down and used as fuel during work out.
So now you want to know how much you should be taking.
This is the key. You should have three doses a day. One in the morning to get your body kick started and give it immediate fuel for the day about 3 to 5 grams as stated by experts. Then again about 30 minutes before a work out and then again within 30 minutes after. The thing to remember is that if you are working out regularly with weights and aerobic exercises it is not possible to over dose on BCAA's because they will be used in your body as fuel and to deliver the benefits listed above.
The great thing about BCAA's is that have come a long way and are now easier to ingest. No longer do you have to choke down "horse pills" and tons of water. Today you can even get it in gel and powder form
here are all eight Essential Amino Acids and what they do for you
Isoleucine: Hemoglobin formation, muscle recovery, sugar level regulation, blood clot formation
Leucine: Muscle recovery, regulation of blood sugar & hormones
Lysine: helps triglycerides, antiviral, hormone production, bone growth, collagen formation.
Methionine: assists in breaking down fats, antioxidant, aids production of creatine.
Phenylalanine: Aids in depression (along with B-6), suppress appetite, gives a feeling of fullness
Valine: Maintains nitrogen balance, muscle recovery
Tryptophan: aids serotonin production
Threonine: helps stabilize blood sugar, helps collagen production.
Although BCAA's are quite safe there are a few simple rules to follow if considering using them.
First of there is little known about BCAA's effect during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, best to avoid their use during that time. If you are facing surgery stop taking BCAA's 2 weeks prior to help with blood sugar regulation during that time. If you are a chronic alcohol user or dring alcohol, avoid mixing with BCAA's. If you are on medication for Diabetes check with your physician first also if you are taking Thyroid medication or being treated with corticosteroids for inflamation you should not take BCAA's.
If you would like more information about us Click Here
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Where Do Those Extra Pounds Come From?
We often ask ourselves where the extra pounds come from. They can sneak up on you if you don’t weigh in at least once a week. I personally keep track of my weight each day, the scale is my friend and it needs to be yours too. If your scale is not your friend and you hate to hop on the thing, I’m sure there is a reason.
You see the scale does not work like a fortune teller. It may not tell you what you want to hear but it does give you the facts and sometimes that is hard to swallow. Especially if you have a scale that not only tells you your weight but your BMI , fat and water content.
So let’s take a look at where those extra pounds come from. Whether you are aware of it or not approximately 3,500 calories equal one pound. It is possible to burn up to 350 calories per hour with a hearty work out and as you can see this doesn’t come anywhere close to being a pound.
So now we have established what it takes to gain that extra pound so let’s look at what we might consume in one day.
Breakfast: calories fat
8 oz glass of OJ 456 (57 cal. per oz.) 0
Biscuit w/ eggs & sausage 581 38.7
1 cup of hash browns 302 9.2 (fruit would be better choice)
Total 1,339 47.9
Let’s move on to lunch:
16 oz soda pop 208 0
Burger w/ condiments 608 36.8
Small fry (double large) 291 15.7 (you should never eat fries)
Total 1,107 52.5
Heading off to dinner:
8 oz of beer 96 0
8 oz of wine 168 0
Chicken Fillet 515 29.4
Baker w/ butter & cheese 393 22.3
1.5 cup salad (no dressing) 102 5.8 (includes eggs & cheese)
Total 1,082 or 1,010 57.50
If this looks like a normal day to you, let’s see how you did.
Total calories for day depending on your dinner beverage: 3,528 total fat: 157.90
I’m sure you can see where the extra pounds are coming from. Even with an hour of a hard work out you could still gain a pound per day.
Are you ready for the really scary part of the story? A healthy adult with a 2,000 calorie a day diet has a recommended 65 grams of fat in it. As you can see the amount of fat in the diet above almost triples that amount, that is where all the heart disease and clogged arteries come from.
The good news is that you can absolutely do something about it. There is help everywhere, paid help and free help all you need to do is seek the help and get on the path to healthy eating and living.
Visit the rest of our Health Pulse blog Click Here
Get to know Gordon and Shelli Click on their blog here
You see the scale does not work like a fortune teller. It may not tell you what you want to hear but it does give you the facts and sometimes that is hard to swallow. Especially if you have a scale that not only tells you your weight but your BMI , fat and water content.
So let’s take a look at where those extra pounds come from. Whether you are aware of it or not approximately 3,500 calories equal one pound. It is possible to burn up to 350 calories per hour with a hearty work out and as you can see this doesn’t come anywhere close to being a pound.
So now we have established what it takes to gain that extra pound so let’s look at what we might consume in one day.
Breakfast: calories fat
8 oz glass of OJ 456 (57 cal. per oz.) 0
Biscuit w/ eggs & sausage 581 38.7
1 cup of hash browns 302 9.2 (fruit would be better choice)
Total 1,339 47.9
Let’s move on to lunch:
16 oz soda pop 208 0
Burger w/ condiments 608 36.8
Small fry (double large) 291 15.7 (you should never eat fries)
Total 1,107 52.5
Heading off to dinner:
8 oz of beer 96 0
8 oz of wine 168 0
Chicken Fillet 515 29.4
Baker w/ butter & cheese 393 22.3
1.5 cup salad (no dressing) 102 5.8 (includes eggs & cheese)
Total 1,082 or 1,010 57.50
If this looks like a normal day to you, let’s see how you did.
Total calories for day depending on your dinner beverage: 3,528 total fat: 157.90
I’m sure you can see where the extra pounds are coming from. Even with an hour of a hard work out you could still gain a pound per day.
Are you ready for the really scary part of the story? A healthy adult with a 2,000 calorie a day diet has a recommended 65 grams of fat in it. As you can see the amount of fat in the diet above almost triples that amount, that is where all the heart disease and clogged arteries come from.
The good news is that you can absolutely do something about it. There is help everywhere, paid help and free help all you need to do is seek the help and get on the path to healthy eating and living.
Visit the rest of our Health Pulse blog Click Here
Get to know Gordon and Shelli Click on their blog here
Monday, February 22, 2010
Ode to Hedgy
A friend is never easy to loose
About 5 or so years ago my sister came to me just before Christmas and asked me for some help. She had been to the school to read with the kids and they were reading a book about Hedge Hogs. My sister did some research on the little creatures and thought it would be great to include one into the family.
My nephew was in love with the book they were reading and he is a real animal lover. My sister had found a "hog breeder" and there was a litter of little hedgy's ready but it was a week before Christmas and she didn't want the surprise ruined so she asked me if I would keep the baby hedge hog for the next week.
Honestly I was wondering how a hedge hog would be as a pet, I was wondering how "loveable" it would be. We all seem to be animal lovers and when she brought me my charge, I thought she was the cutest little hedge hog I had ever seen (the ONLY one I had ever seen) and she was so charming, we had a really fun week with her.
Then Christmas day came and my newly adopted friend was given to my nephew. I was sad to see her leave, but the look on his face was priceless when his Mom gave him Hedgy. He looked up in his glee and asked if he could keep her, when he found out she was his, he was so excited. I realized that the priceless look on his face when he saw her was the joy of seeing a hedge hog, he had no idea that she belonged to him, now that priceless look turned in to one of awe.
There were quite a few other kids that received hedge hogs that Christmas, the hogs were soon forgotten and within a year Hedgy was the only one that had survived. They are easy creatures to care for but they need love and attention and Hedgy got plenty of that.
Her cage was the Taj Mahal, with everything a hedge hog would want. We fashioned a "sleeping bag" for her out of fleece. She was quite the celebrity at the school and would go to visit the kids that were reading about hedge hogs, everyone who knew Hedgy adored her. She had a winning personality and she actually recognized people that she liked.
My sister left for a short trip last month and when she came back she noticed that Hedgy wasn't feeling very well and one eye was buldging. She made a doctors appointment for little Hedgy. The vet to all of our surprise was farmilliar with Hedge Hogs, checked her out and said she had an absess, gave her recommendations and some medicine.
We thought she was on the mend, but last night she went to sleep and she didn't wake up this morning. She will be missed, she was the smallest member of our family and she got inside all of our hearts, where she will stay.
Ode to Hedgy:
All Hedge Hogs go to heaven,
who are good & sweet & kind,
All of us are so sad,
that you have left behind.
We knew that you had to go
and that you couldn't stay,
we also know you are happy now
being free to play.
Remembering your silly face
and your prickly hair, the way you
used your hands to eat and the
fact your ears were bare.
Sleep well my friend and always know
that you were truly loved,
and now we put you in the hands
of our father up above.
Our pets make life worth living. They give us unconditional love, they don't talk back. They make us happy and happy people are healthier people. Things like this break our hearts, opening up to love something that we all know will not live as long as we do. Pets sometimes teach us how to love and they make our hearts bigger, that makes room for more love. We would have been lesser people if we would not have let this little Hedge Hog "Hedgy" come into our hearts, now we have to let her go.
Goodbye for now Hedgy.
RIP 2/22/2010
About 5 or so years ago my sister came to me just before Christmas and asked me for some help. She had been to the school to read with the kids and they were reading a book about Hedge Hogs. My sister did some research on the little creatures and thought it would be great to include one into the family.
My nephew was in love with the book they were reading and he is a real animal lover. My sister had found a "hog breeder" and there was a litter of little hedgy's ready but it was a week before Christmas and she didn't want the surprise ruined so she asked me if I would keep the baby hedge hog for the next week.
Honestly I was wondering how a hedge hog would be as a pet, I was wondering how "loveable" it would be. We all seem to be animal lovers and when she brought me my charge, I thought she was the cutest little hedge hog I had ever seen (the ONLY one I had ever seen) and she was so charming, we had a really fun week with her.
Then Christmas day came and my newly adopted friend was given to my nephew. I was sad to see her leave, but the look on his face was priceless when his Mom gave him Hedgy. He looked up in his glee and asked if he could keep her, when he found out she was his, he was so excited. I realized that the priceless look on his face when he saw her was the joy of seeing a hedge hog, he had no idea that she belonged to him, now that priceless look turned in to one of awe.
There were quite a few other kids that received hedge hogs that Christmas, the hogs were soon forgotten and within a year Hedgy was the only one that had survived. They are easy creatures to care for but they need love and attention and Hedgy got plenty of that.
Her cage was the Taj Mahal, with everything a hedge hog would want. We fashioned a "sleeping bag" for her out of fleece. She was quite the celebrity at the school and would go to visit the kids that were reading about hedge hogs, everyone who knew Hedgy adored her. She had a winning personality and she actually recognized people that she liked.
My sister left for a short trip last month and when she came back she noticed that Hedgy wasn't feeling very well and one eye was buldging. She made a doctors appointment for little Hedgy. The vet to all of our surprise was farmilliar with Hedge Hogs, checked her out and said she had an absess, gave her recommendations and some medicine.
We thought she was on the mend, but last night she went to sleep and she didn't wake up this morning. She will be missed, she was the smallest member of our family and she got inside all of our hearts, where she will stay.
Ode to Hedgy:
All Hedge Hogs go to heaven,
who are good & sweet & kind,
All of us are so sad,
that you have left behind.
We knew that you had to go
and that you couldn't stay,
we also know you are happy now
being free to play.
Remembering your silly face
and your prickly hair, the way you
used your hands to eat and the
fact your ears were bare.
Sleep well my friend and always know
that you were truly loved,
and now we put you in the hands
of our father up above.
Our pets make life worth living. They give us unconditional love, they don't talk back. They make us happy and happy people are healthier people. Things like this break our hearts, opening up to love something that we all know will not live as long as we do. Pets sometimes teach us how to love and they make our hearts bigger, that makes room for more love. We would have been lesser people if we would not have let this little Hedge Hog "Hedgy" come into our hearts, now we have to let her go.
Goodbye for now Hedgy.
RIP 2/22/2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Pilates Method for an Awesome, Sexy Body
Would you believe me if I told you there was a work out that can give you leaner legs with a longer look and a But as round and firm as your heart desired and that you could get all of this without visiting a gym one time or lifting one weight?
What if I were to say that this work out would give you a flatter firmer sexier mid section and it could help your back pain to disappear, improve your posture, make you taller and make you feel overall energized and working hard? Oh, and by the way you can do it anywhere and you will look forward to it.
Pronounced “puh-LAH-teez’ it is the vision behind Joseph Pilates work outs. Pilates is a total body-conditioning workout that leaves you feeling refreshed and alert. This confidence building exercise engages both men and women.
Pilates is an intense, challenging blend of Eastern and Western philosophies on conditioning both physically and mentally.
The Pilates method gives you the benefits of Yoga class with it’s stretching along with great muscle tone. Your body will have a long lean toned appearance because Pilates focuses on muscular balance and well being. It is a different idea on how to get your body moving.
Pilates will change how you feel about your body. You will feel years younger and your vitality will increase. Your posture will be improved and your muscles will be toned. Back pain that has nagged your lower back can be eliminated depending on it’s source and because you will feel better about yourself. Your sex life may improve, Pilates will help you to tone and strengthen those vital areas necessary to see that happen
Click Here to view Health Pulse Magazine about Pilates, it's a FREE online publication
What if I were to say that this work out would give you a flatter firmer sexier mid section and it could help your back pain to disappear, improve your posture, make you taller and make you feel overall energized and working hard? Oh, and by the way you can do it anywhere and you will look forward to it.
Pronounced “puh-LAH-teez’ it is the vision behind Joseph Pilates work outs. Pilates is a total body-conditioning workout that leaves you feeling refreshed and alert. This confidence building exercise engages both men and women.
Pilates is an intense, challenging blend of Eastern and Western philosophies on conditioning both physically and mentally.
The Pilates method gives you the benefits of Yoga class with it’s stretching along with great muscle tone. Your body will have a long lean toned appearance because Pilates focuses on muscular balance and well being. It is a different idea on how to get your body moving.
Pilates will change how you feel about your body. You will feel years younger and your vitality will increase. Your posture will be improved and your muscles will be toned. Back pain that has nagged your lower back can be eliminated depending on it’s source and because you will feel better about yourself. Your sex life may improve, Pilates will help you to tone and strengthen those vital areas necessary to see that happen
Click Here to view Health Pulse Magazine about Pilates, it's a FREE online publication
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tai Chi, Why Give it a Try?
Why give tai chi a try?
Like other complementary and alternative practices that bring mind and body together, Tai Chi can help reduce stress.
During Tai Chi, you focus on movement and breathing. This combination creates a state of relaxation and calm. Stress, anxiety and tension should melt away as you focus on the present, and the effects may last well after you stop your tai chi session.
Tai Chi also might help your overall health, although it's not a substitute for traditional medical care.
Despite its long history, Tai Chi has been studied scientifically only in recent years.
Although more research is needed, preliminary evidence suggests that Tai Chi may offer numerous benefits beyond stress reduction, including:
· Reducing anxiety and depression
· Improving balance, flexibility and muscle strength
· Reducing falls in older adults
· Improving sleep quality
· Lowering blood pressure
· Improving cardiovascular fitness in older adult
· Relieving chronic pain
· Increasing energy, endurance and agility
· Improving overall feelings of well-being
Monday, January 25, 2010
Yoga Feels Good
Are you looking for a self-help treatment that you can give yourself? Look no farther than you local Yoga studio.
Practicing Yoga regularly revitalizes every single part of your body right down to the cellular level. Nothing quite beats Yoga as a great source of natural health care.
There are many reasons to practice Yoga. Yoga grants physical health and vitality, relief from pain and stress, emotional strength and clarity during difficult times and the list goes on and on.
Of course, not even Yoga can be touted as a cure all for everything but if I find myself needing a mental or physical boost, a little Yoga goes a long way.
How you look impacts the way you feel about your self and it goes the other way around too. One of the many blessings of practicing Yoga is a youthful appearance. Yoga poses tone your muscles much the same as isometric exercise.
When you add inner focus to your Yoga stretches, there will be little or no chance of muscle injury. Toned muscles hold your posture erect, reduce the risk of injury and give you an awesome physique.
Looking to fight the battle of cellulite? Yoga can help you to do that because rather than building muscle, Yoga builds muscle tone. Yoga stretches muscles lengthwise, causing fat to be eliminated around the cells and that is what reduces cellulite. Because Yoga helps to maintain balanced metabolism, it also helps to regulate a person’s weight.
You can help your self to look years younger than you are. The spine works as the messenger for the brain, when the spine is flexible; the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and other organs is unrestricted.
Many poses and exercises in Yoga are aimed at keeping the spine flexible by gently moving, twisting and flexing the spine in all directions.
We all know that stress will zap your energy faster than anything. Finding ways to relax and enjoy life will bring more energy. Yoga gives you tools to turn stress into energy by allowing you to recognize the stress when it begins before it becomes too large to manage because Yoga will give you a greater self awareness.
With your higher awareness will come peace of mind and that equals freedom. Freedom from the load on our minds that we often carry unconsciously, that you will realize holds you back. Becoming aware of how your mind works is your first step to peace of mind.
After you practice Yoga for a while it may help you to overcome some self-limitations you may be placing on your self. When you are able to do that you will feel lighter and you will have an “acceptance” of your life as it is. You start to learn that challenges have their place in your life but they will not “rule” you life.
Yoga helps you realize your true potential and it encourages you to grow and improve towards that potential that is how you reach peace of mind.
To read more about Gordon and Shelli go to:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
New weekly publication of Health Pulse Magazine hot off the press, get yours here
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Check out my new Health Pulse magazine for this week, the subject is Meditation. Catch it here:
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

As we start a new year and a new decade many things in our life seem uncertain. The economy is not improving as fast as we would like and we have to wonder what the government is up to?
The national debt is doing nothing but increasing
and the provider of the paper the government uses to print the money is having a hard time keeping up with demand.So what does this mean for all of us?It means that we need to do the best we can with the tools that we have. Use our education to the best of our ability. Hold our head high and move our lives forward the best way we can.
For some of us it means that we will need to re-invent our self.
We have questions about how we will pay the bills or put food on the table? How will we pay for college for our kids that are in high school? Will we be able to go on a family vacation this year? Will we ever be able to retire?
All of these questions create stress in our life. They create stress and sometimes strife within family units that can blow out of proportion to the questions that we ask. At times the stress feels like it will break you apart so how do we manage it?
Finding ways to relax is the key to living, healthy, happy, energetic and stress free.
Relaxation is the key to keeping your relationships healthy and keeping YOU SANE!
Relaxation is an essential part of stress management. Relaxation is not just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation decreases the wear and tear on your mind and body from the challenges, hassles and stress of daily life.
Relaxation techniques are an essential part of your quest for stress management. Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear on your mind and body from the challenges and hassles of daily life.
Whether your stress is spiraling out of control or you've already got it tamed, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Learning basic relaxation techniques is easy, often free or low cost, and poses little risk. Explore these simple relaxation techniques to get you started on de-stressing your life and improving your health.
With so many things to do, relaxation techniques may take a back seat in your life. But that means you might miss out on the health benefits of relaxation.
Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce stress symptoms by:
Practicing relaxation techniques can reduce stress symptoms by:
Slowing your heart rate
Lowering blood pressure
Slowing your breathing rate
Increasing blood flow to major muscles
Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain
Improving concentration
Reducing anger and frustration
Boosting confidence to handle problems
Lowering blood pressure
Slowing your breathing rate
Increasing blood flow to major muscles
Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain
Improving concentration
Reducing anger and frustration
Boosting confidence to handle problems
Health professionals such as complementary and alternative medicine practitioners, doctors and psychotherapists can teach various relaxation techniques. But if you prefer, you also can learn some relaxation techniques on your own.
In general, relaxation techniques involve refocusing your attention to something calming and increasing awareness of your body. It doesn't matter which relaxation technique you choose. What matters is that you practice relaxation regularly to reap the benefits.
There are several main types of relaxation techniques, including:
Autogenic relaxation. Autogenic means something that comes from within you. In this relaxation technique, you use both visual imagery and body awareness to reduce stress. You repeat words or suggestions in your mind to help you relax and reduce muscle tension. You may imagine a peaceful place and then focus on controlled, relaxing breathing, slowing your heart rate, or feeling different physical sensations, such as relaxing each arm or leg one by one.
Progressive muscle relaxation. In this relaxation technique, you focus on slowly tensing and then relaxing each muscle group. This helps you focus on the difference between muscle tension and relaxation. You become more aware of physical sensations. One method is to start by tensing and relaxing the muscles in your toes and progressively working your way up to your neck and head. Tense your muscles for at least five seconds and then relax for 30 seconds, and repeat.
Visualization. In this relaxation technique, you form mental images to take a visual journey to a peaceful, calming place or situation. During visualization, try to use as many senses as you can, including smell, sight, sound and touch. If you imagine relaxing at the ocean, for instance, think about such things as the smell of salt water, the sound of crashing waves and the warmth of the sun on your body. You may want to close your eyes, sit in a quiet spot and loosen any tight clothing.
Other common relaxation techniques include:
Tai chi
Listening to music
Tai chi
Listening to music
Relaxation techniques take practice
As you learn relaxation techniques, you'll become more aware of muscle tension and other physical sensations of stress. Once you know what the stress response feels like, you can make a conscious effort to practice a relaxation technique the moment you start to feel stress symptoms. This can prevent stress from spiraling out of control.
As you learn relaxation techniques, you'll become more aware of muscle tension and other physical sensations of stress. Once you know what the stress response feels like, you can make a conscious effort to practice a relaxation technique the moment you start to feel stress symptoms. This can prevent stress from spiraling out of control.
Remember that relaxation techniques are skills. And as with any skill, your ability to relax improves with practice. Be patient with yourself — don't let your effort to practice relaxation techniques become yet another stressor.
Find out more about Shelli at:
Visti our entire Health Pulse blog at
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Feeling Stressed? Proven ways to reduce your stress in this new decade. Dedicate you self to a stress free life, find out how
Are you stressing the small stuff? Find ways to relax, it will do your brain and your health a favor. Find out how here:
Check out my New Article. Did you know that you possessed the greatest gift? Read about it here.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
check out Health Pulse. This is the first issue of a health magazine coming your way each week.
Enjoy and spread it around. Be looking for our next issue coming out next week.
Enjoy and spread it around. Be looking for our next issue coming out next week.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Check out my article on the policy in our country, see if you have a grip on it.
Check our my recent article published at Ezine. You are in charge of your own happiness, what is your decision?
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